watercolour, acrylic, ink on paper. I was commissioned to paint this dog portrait.

watercolour, acrylic, ink on paper. I was commissioned to paint this dog portrait.
Dog Portrait
This was one of the first paintings I produced on commission. I had never attempted to paint dogs before but enjoyed the challenge. Used acrylic, watercolour and ink on paper.
At any given opportunity I enjoy drawing and painting portraites. I have only had the opportunity to paint family members as I have so many. I use both oils and watercolour to produce these paintings. The painting of Girl in green jumper is a painting of my sister: oil on wood.
Dad in white suit: watercolour, acrylic and inks on paper.
Brother with cigar: watercolour, ink, acrylic on paper.

This painting is oil on wood. It was entered for the National Portrait Gallery however was not selected as one of the finalist. It is a painting of my youngest sister.

Watercolour, Ink on wood. Unfinished. Painting of my younger sister.

pencil on cardboard, this is a quick sketch I did from a picture of my granddad whom unfortunately I never had the chance to meet.

This painting is oil on wood. It was entered for the National Portrait Gallery however was not selected as one of the finalist. It is a painting of my youngest sister.